Thursday, May 19, 2011

EOC Week : 7 and Final Project Pitch

VERB vodka, “Vodka for those who like action” is an inexpensive alcoholic beverage that is also an aphrodisiac. 80 Proof alcohol by volume.  VERB comes in three sexy flavors chocolate delight, Strawberry Spanish fly, and The Rhino Horn Experience. Science shows that the top aphrodisiacs are chocolate, strawberries, Spanish flies, Rhino Horns as well as alcohol. The chocolate delight and strawberry Spanish fly flavors are infused with the scent of sensual chocolate and seductive strawberries respectively. The Rhino Horn Experience is a potentially orgasmic blast so intense it’s illegal in China. VERB offers not only a sexy taste but a more active libido to compliment it.

EOC Week 6: Me x 3

Three products that I use are Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Converse brand shoes, and Zebra -301 ink pens. Sony MDR -7506 headphones are professional grade studio headphones. I bought these headphones for two reasons. First off after doing a lot of research and watching random videos of musicians in the studio I found that they are industry standard headphones. The second reason why I purchased them was because I need a pair of reliable and accurate headphones; by accurate I mean no adding or boosting of any frequencies of a recording. The Sony MDR-7506 headphones have a flat response of 20 -20000 Hertz which also happens to be the range of human hearing. This was a perfect purchase for me seeing that I am an aspiring Audio Professional and I want my mixes to translate across all mediums, having the slightest boost or cut in frequencies can throw off an entire mix because I will be trying to compensate for something that isn’t there. The second purchase I make is Converse brand shoes. I am a fanatic I currently own 22 pairs of converse Chuck Taylor all star hi-top shoes. The reason is I enjoy how comfortable they are and I love the tradition. Converse was the first basketball shoe and many legends of basketball have worn or been endorsed by the brand. They even footed the soldiers of World War One. My father also woe converse Chuck Taylor all star hi-tops growing up and still owns a pair to this day. As a child I wanted to be like my father, but my love for converse didn’t take off until I was 18 years old. Being so deeply involved with music and various cultures I decided to get obsessed. Zebra- 301 pens are my favorite for every activity whether writing songs or taking notes in class. I feel being comfortable and a smooth writing pen is essential to getting your thoughts on paper.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 5 EOC: Sony Sleuths-Marketing

Recently Sony was hacked twice. The first time 70 million customers personal information was compromised. The second time 10 million customers credit card information was obtained. Sony said it discovered a file left on its servers called "Anonymous." The contents of that file said "We are Legion," which is the tagline of a loosely affiliated group of Internet vigilantes dubbed Anonymous.  Anonymous, which attacked the websites of credit-card firms in December, had said it would target Sony in retaliation for a lawsuit the firm brought against a popular hacker, George Hotz. Anonymous took credit for disabling Sony websites but denied involvement in the data breach. Many customers weren’t upset that their personal information was obtained, but they were more upset that they couldn’t access the Playstation Network to play games online. Sony described in a letter to Congress the "large-scale cyberattack" that pried loose personal information on more than 100 million of its online gaming accounts. Nick Wingfield reports.. Sony’s net worth is over $45 billion, I feel that from a marketing service Sony should offer free downloads to all their customers on the Playstation Network for free for the equivalent amount of time the network remains down. The fact that customers are so loyal that they disregard the major threat of identity theft is amazing and Sony can actually expand their markets due to this situation. I myself am an Microsoft Xbox 360 user and Microsoft will nickel and dime you at any chance they get regardless to who is at fault. If Sony to offer free downloads for the equivalent time period yes they would lose money but they would open a lot of eyes in the marketing departments of their competition.

Week 4 EOC: App for that

Three Apps that I think will make the world a better place are “Pro tools control surface” “wi-find-a-printer” “smart silence”.  The “pro tools control surface” would be amazingly productive for all audio professionals. A control surface is a device that lets the user control what’s on the screen remotely with a more comfortable device, for example in the audio world a mixer is more ideal than a mouse and keyboard. In the audio field speed and efficiency is the most important part of one’s success. Therefore being able to control every function as you would if you were sitting in front of a computer while mobile increases your productivity vastly. The “Wi-Find-a-printer” app automatically links your apple device to a wireless printer in the area. This is perfect for the traveling business person or college student who doesn’t have access to a desktop and or laptop connected to a printer. This would also be great for the commuter who does all their business on a mobile device. Have you ever been in a class and your Iphone goes off and you lost professionalism points? Aren’t you tired of having to manually adjust your volume? Well with the smart silence app it automatically changes your volume based on the wi fi signal in a previously visited location. This app lets you determine exactly the volume level of your phone as soon as the stored wi fi signal is picked up, making life for the average college student a lot easier.i feel these apps will  be extremely useful (even if they are already invented) and will help make the iPhone world a more productive and less distracting place.

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

Generation y is the 83 million children of the baby boomers, born between 1977 and 2000. One thing that all of the  Millennial’s have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology; it’s a way of life. The Millennial were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cell phones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks. A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennial are on the Web, making up 32 percent of all U.S. Internet users. According to another study, 77 percent of Millennial frequent social networking sites and 71 percent use instant messaging. “All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,” says a Yahoo! executive. For them, “it’s not something separate. It’s just something they do

                According to the research above I fit into the stereotype of my generation. I have a Facebook and a Myspace (though I don’t use it). I have owned 3 ipods and I feel lost without my cell phone. I’m not completely reliant on technology. I prefer paper books over eBooks. As far as being an audio professional I prefer analog equipment over digital and I can’t stand digital replicas of analog gear. I still listen to the radio vs. Pandora or an mp3 player/ iPod.