Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 4 EOC: App for that

Three Apps that I think will make the world a better place are “Pro tools control surface” “wi-find-a-printer” “smart silence”.  The “pro tools control surface” would be amazingly productive for all audio professionals. A control surface is a device that lets the user control what’s on the screen remotely with a more comfortable device, for example in the audio world a mixer is more ideal than a mouse and keyboard. In the audio field speed and efficiency is the most important part of one’s success. Therefore being able to control every function as you would if you were sitting in front of a computer while mobile increases your productivity vastly. The “Wi-Find-a-printer” app automatically links your apple device to a wireless printer in the area. This is perfect for the traveling business person or college student who doesn’t have access to a desktop and or laptop connected to a printer. This would also be great for the commuter who does all their business on a mobile device. Have you ever been in a class and your Iphone goes off and you lost professionalism points? Aren’t you tired of having to manually adjust your volume? Well with the smart silence app it automatically changes your volume based on the wi fi signal in a previously visited location. This app lets you determine exactly the volume level of your phone as soon as the stored wi fi signal is picked up, making life for the average college student a lot easier.i feel these apps will  be extremely useful (even if they are already invented) and will help make the iPhone world a more productive and less distracting place.

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